Sunday, November 16, 2008


How do you bend heavy get four
guys to stand on it and then two Guatemalans
bend it....

Time to see why we tied all that re-bar...

Frieda and Darlene, busy tying wire to the re-bar....

Bob taking a break from tying the re-bar...

Helmut, placing the brick....

Joe is concentrating on cutting wire...

Luis....our teacher

The Steel Workers of Canada Union will have some
new members after this week...

Edgar and Sergio working with the re-bar...

Over, under, cross over and twist.....
Joe and Steve working on the re-bar

Pole Climbing.....Guatemala vs. Canada

The second prize has been captured....

It is more fun eating a cookie than watching these men
climb a pole...

The entire village came out to cheer....

Come on, Josh....go Canada, go...

Sometimes you need some help to climb the pole...

What happens when men decide to climb a 30+ foot pole
that has been greased with cooking oil? A lot of fun, laughter
and competition! This is actually a tradition in Guatemala and the
men from the village wanted to THANK the Canadian men for
spending three evenings with them and sharing from their heart.
The Canadians found out that you need to be much smaller to
climb the pole.

Women's Ministry.....Tululche'

I'm just hanging out with my mom...

We gave the ladies underwear as it is expensive to buy...
They had fun picking out just the right ones.....

Marion, babysitting, so that the mom can participate in the class..

Marion sharing her testimony with the ladies

The next generation of women.....

Darlene helping one of the ladies....

I came along to help my mom with her craft...

The ladies worked hard to finish their Christmas craft,
and were very proud of what they had done.

Singing praises.......

The ladies received blankets and sweaters for their kids.
The blankets and sweaters were made by Helping Hands.

Women's Ministry ......
Darlene, Cristina (translator), Judy and Frieda

VBS - Avalanche Ranch

On the last day, Friday, we presented each VBS student
with a bag of school supplies

Juan, it has been a long day!!!!!

Nolan is helping Andy....

Casa Angelina VBS....50 kids

How cool is this frisbee......

Stephen helping one of the boys with their craft....

Klay, translating for Lianne as she tells a story..

Tululche'.....100 kids

Lynn handing out pan to the kids....

The Ark of the Covenant.....

The story of Joshua crossing the Jordan...

Scott and his wife Linda, from Kansas,
helped us out for a couple of days.

Our dedicated VBS team...
Lianne, Stephen, John, Marion
Evan, Klay(translator), Nolan and Lynn