It is time to leave Guatemala, our new friends and family.
Don't forget our next trip will be November 7-17th.
See you then!

Clay...the translator.

Painting the clinic and the hospital.

"Like my new sunglasses???"

Another happy patient

"Thank you, I can see!"

Vision 2020 team at work.

Replacing the tile with stained wood...

Taking out the ceiling...too many critters were making their home there.

Property ready for four new houses.

Welders working on the trusses for a house and the hospital.

Chicken, salad, pan....close and pack!

Yuri's mom and sister, Dayanara, help out.

What happens when a team of 80 come to the orphanage...
There is chicken for lunch!

Christine, Manuel, and their sons, Daniel and Christian ..
We pray that Manuel will have his eye surgery soon.