Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What's New in Tululche'??????

One of the finished projects....

Just hanging around with mom.....

Sketching out a design...free hand

Excitement ....the ladies were given canvas bags to decorate

One of our moms at our morning class....

Waiting for mom....

A fashion statement in Tululche'

Pastor Vic....pastor of balloon making

Now that is much better!

Not where you want to wash your hands....

To this.......

From this to.......

This is what it looks like today.....amazing

OK...not the prettiest picture to start with....
but this was our project...to do an extreme makeover of
the washrooms at the school in Tululche'.
Other projects this week are.....Balloon Making 101
having a class for the women of the village. Crafts,
health education classes and Bible classes.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Casa Angelina

Adam chipping away at cement so that the tile can be placed.....

Lisa hauling the paving blocks......heavy lifting

That is a lot of corn stalks....

Cleaning up the old corn stalks.....

Lucia, Layla and house mom Jovelin..

Wes helping Caleb with the wiring.....

Christine....how many syringes was that?????

Cristine, Lisa and Heather.....counting medical supplies

Tululche' Sports

The new basketball backboard and hoop...
at the Tululche' school

The Village council of Tululche' brought us lunch
in appreciation for the work in the washrooms.

Taking a break....playing soccer

Guatemala Spring 2008

The pre-school sweethearts.

Caleb and Tino.....a brother to Layla

The new little baby...Layla...10 months...12 lbs
Malnourished....but has now been rescued by Casa Angelina.

Philip raking coffeee....
Did you know that your coffee gets walked on????

The Asteoa Cofee Farm.....Caleb lifting a 100 lb bag

Listening to the presentation at the Macadamia Nut Farm

A parrot for Heather...

Central park....which direction is the market???

Love Guatemala Spring 2008
The baby and the little guy are both from the new orphan family.