The container will be taken by rail to Vancouver,
then board a ship bound for Guatemala City port...
It should arrive the end of September.

The container.....

A dentist chair, Dr. Sam would be proud of!


Operating table...

Hospital beds...

Thank you Lindsay, Judy, Jodi, Rick, Curtis ...for
all your hard work in organizing this container..

Off to the IMED warehouse....

Packing the school kits into back packs and then into bins...

We enlisted the help of Philip's sister and brother-in-law
to help us sort and bag all the school supplies. We made
61 school kits. Awesome!

We share about Casa Angelina and
tell the kids how special they are to collect so many school supplies.

A wagon load of school supplies.....
The kids who made it all happen....

Mis' Lara, the director

The Vacation Bible School program at Westgate Alliance Church, Saskatoon, Sask.