Saturday, February 13, 2010

Casa beginnings

Inside the school.....

Land next door to the orphanage

Ground work for another house....

A new house....

Class is in....

Psalm 48:1

Casa Angelina is now home schooling the children
on campus. Each of the house parents are teaching
the children with a Home School curriculum from
the Guatemala Education Department.
The drawers are designated with each child's
name...this is where they keep their supplies.
Hopefully January 2011 they will have the school completed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Heading home....

Some of the neighbor's homes

Friends came to join everyone for lunch...

Philip told Eduardo that this room was big enough
for a church....

Eduardo built a house for his family....

Our granddaughter, Anika, became good
friends with Mariela.

Eduardo, Gregoria and Mariela.
Eduardo was a farm worker here in the Fraser Valley.
He worked here two years and has now decided that he
will stay at home in Guatemala.
They invited Philip and our daughter and her family
for lunch.


The happy new land owners!

Francisco is so excited that his daddy will have land so
that they will have more food to eat....

Rigiberto's brothers with Clay our translator.

Philip and Rigiberto...

Waiting at the lawyers to sign the papers....

There is a well on the property....

God brought Rigiberto Canu into our lives
in November. When some of the team went to
visit his home they realized that he was one of the
poor of the poor and we offered him a micro financing
land deal....this has now become a reality.


A Bible College near Cuauhtemoc....


Don't sit down!

Caballos.....need a ride?

What a view!

Stopping in Creel to do some shopping and look at the scenery..

The scenery travelling back to Cuauhtemoc...

Tradition vs. modern....

They do not have electricity so this is how they
heat their home with a generator and a solar panel.

The Friesen home....

The Hans Friesens' are pastors of the Living Water church
in Cuauthemoc. They have been ministering to the Tarahumaras
and have seen an openness to accepting the Lord.

At present, the Tarahumara consititute the largest indigenous group in the state of Chihuahua.The men are known for their long distance running. They live in caves, partway under outcroppings so that the rock itself provides the roofing.The number varies from 50,000 to 75,000 although it is difficult to determine precisely because of the inacces- sibility of the mountains, and the deficient communication links.