Philip thanking the national workers for accepting us to work with them.
Bless you!
The ribbon is cut and the extreme makeover is complete!
The man with the red hat is the contractor.
Celia's friends come to see her new home...
The team awaits the ribbon cutting...
The Village council comes for the grand opening..
The bio sand water filter and the pila (the place to wash clothes)
The kitchen...a wood stove that is vented outside
no more breathing that toxic smoke.
The master bedroom...
The new bedroom for the kids, three bunk beds and shelving units...
The finishing touches are being added, Julio is
putting up the eaves.
The house in the front is the kitchen,
the metal clad building is the washroom, and the upper part is
the two bedrooms.
The bio sand water filter came as far as it could
on a bob weighs about 400 lbs!
Then it was put on a dolly and pulled up the hill....
Philip is asking Randy if he would give him some Quetzal
so that he has an incentive to
climb the rest of the hill....
"Moses" keep your hands up so that we all will have more energy!!!
Wow...if we had known this before we came....well....
Union meeting....
Time to start digging the new foundation...

Celia and her family infront of her home...

and up......

And the road only leads up......
Jake was going to show us how it was done....
Karli starts carrying bricks up the steep 1 km trail...
They live in a house made of bamboo and corn stalks.
They sleep on a dirt floor with a lot of ventilation coming through the ceiling, the door and the walls. She was very nervous when we came as her parents and neighbors told her that we were only there to steal her children. Our daughter, Kerry, assured her that none of us wanted to steal her children. the village council also assured her that we were there only build. And so our extreme makeover began......
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